Welcome To 
Schuh's Services®
Cleaning & Mold Restoration Is Our Business
           Residential & Commercial 
Since 1985
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Schuh's Cleaning Services®  We Clean It Up®

989-539-6601 * 989-426-6616 * 989386-7441

We offer property maintenance services from daily day porter to building repairs for: 
health care

Bank Repo Services

Single-Family Houses

Cottage Rental Services


Multi-Family Houses

Apartment Buildings

Condominium Associations

Homeowner Associations

Campground Associations

Office complex

Medical Facilities

Collages/ campus

Available Services Include

Clean Ups,

Secure Premises


Servicing of all Inquiries and Complaints for your cleaning and maintenance services

 Maintenance, Repairs, and Improvements Property

 Coordination of all interior and exterior maintenance

Cleaning Services- trash out- Hoarder Cleaning- Carpet cleaning,

Lawn care, snow removal and trash removal

Provide common area cleaning services


Working with owner / association to stay with in a budget amount

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