Schuh's Cleaning Services® We Clean It Up®
989-539-6601 * 989-426-6616 * 989386-7441
A common problem is foul odors. This is especially so in the summer because the humidity and temperature increase to levels that are most conducive to bacteria growth.
Most deodorizers are "COVER UP."
All they do is cover up or mask the odor. But once the perfume has evaporated, the foul odor reappears. These so-called deodorizers are also called "masking agents" and "reodorants."
We have several odor removal services to resolve your odor problems.
One approach to deodorizing is to oxidize (bleach) the source of the odor. That is the principle used in an OZONE machine.

These electrically operated machines eliminate organic odors such as tobacco, smoke, mildew, vomit, some pet odors, mustiness, and perspiration through the oxidizing gas ozone. Ozone (O3), an unstable form of oxygen (O2), is produced by lightning’s electrical discharge and is the fresh clean smell left in the air after a lightning storm. It is also the "electrical" odor you smell above the television, radio and monitor. Ozone machines use an internal electric arc to generate ozone. They then disperse the manufactured ozone that oxidizes the odor or bacteria in the air and absorbed into surfaces, thus frequently eliminating the air-borne odors permanently. This is the best way of ridding a room of skunk odor or of tobacco. Since long-term exposure to ozone is harmful, all pets, plants, fish and people must be kept out of the room being treated and the room must be sealed off. This is an extremely effective odor control method. It is best to clean the furniture after ozone treatment or allow the furniture to thoroughly dry before treating with ozone. Note that the permitted upper limit of ozone in the USA is 0.1 ppm for 8 hours and in Canada is 0.04 ppm.
Ozone eliminates airborne odors including:
Bacteria, mold and mildew
Garbage, fish, urine, feces and pet odors
Paint fumes
Skunk odor
Some pet odors
Some profit-making uses for an ozone machine, such as the Sonozaire™ , are:
1.Converting a smoking hotel/motel room to a nonsmoking room.
2.Deodorizing a used car to make it more easily sold.
3.Deodorizing a canine unit patrol car.
4.Deodorizing a house to make it more easily sold. (You should always cultivate good relations with the realtors in your town.)
5.Deodorizing an apartment before trying to rent it out to new tenants.
6.Deodorizing the stock of a clothing store exposed to smoke odor.
7.Deodorizing after flood or smoke damage.
8.Deodorizing a house after a dog has come inside who was sprayed by a skunk.
9.Ridding a basement of a musty odor.
10.Deodorizing after trauma and death scene cleanup.
Another approach is to KILL ODOR-CAUSING BACTERIA through the use of germicides and products containing germicides. This is the approach used in Phase I™, Phase II™, Phase V™, Microban® Disinfectant Spray, Sporicidin Disinfectant Solution, Steri-Fab®, Microban Formula X-590 and Steri-Fab®.
Odor and Pest Control Products:
Air Fresh
Microban® Disinfectant Spray
Microban Formula X-590
Odor Eliminator
Phase I™ Water-Soluble Deodorizer
Phase II™ Deodorizer
Phase V™ Urine Pretreatment/Deodorizer
Rug Restorer
Smoke Off
Sonozaire™ Ozone Machines
Sporicidin Disinfectant Solution
X-Cide Odor Killer